Moneo Solutions

What we offer

Our Solution Offering

ifm has three main pillars of what we can do for our customers:

Increase machine availability

Prevent unplanned downtime by predicting outages.

Ensure process quality

Improve process performance by monitoring deviations in real-time.

Optimise energy consumption

Reduce operating costs by monitoring energy consumption at the machine level

City connection through moneo

About ifm

From sensors to Industry 4.0 solutions

For over 50 years, ifm has been helping customers in all industries to protect what’s important. From making quality sensors and automation control technology, to progressing into a full digital solutions provider, we service a wide range of industries and applications. Our solutions are designed to meet the evolving needs of our clients, including our moneo platform, which makes the digitalisation process an easier and effective one. The moneo lloT-Toolkit includes the hardware, software and smarts that businesses need to integrate Industry 4.0 concepts into their operations.


We are continually developing our solutions offering, making technology for everybody.


We stay close to our customers to protect what’s important to them.


Quality and reliability is central to everything we provide whether it’s a product, solution or service.

Interactive journey video

What is moneo? How can it help your business?

Join our experts Freddie and Glenn in an interactive video experience about ifm’s moneo platform – a self-service, easy to use, predictive maintenance toolbox that integrates with existing systems. In this video you can choose what information and case study examples you’d like to view.

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IIoT Toolkit

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    Already using moneo? Download moneo configure for FREE!
    The moneo configure parameter setting software enables you to configure a large number of IO-Link devices and masters in just a few clicks. Harness the benefits of this complimentary IO-Link management tool today.